Patthar Chatta Tablet

Dissolves and eliminates stones in any part of the body, whether it is in kidneys, bladder or gall-bladder this medicine will eliminate it, cleans blood and bile waste from body, and helps stopping acne and pimples.

If there is a stone in the kidney or bladder or gallbladder, first get a report by sonography. What is the size of the stone? Use the medicine for two months after evaluating the stone, then get a check up again, the kidney bladder stone will be gone, if some of it is left, calculate and use the medicine again and take the report again and be satisfied, If there is a stone in the gallbladder, take out a report and use the medicine for two months, then do an ultrasound check up again to see how small the stone has become, get a feel of the dissolving speed of the gall-bladder stone and start the medicine again, then do another sonography to satisfy yourself, the gallbladder stone will most certainly melt and disappear, the kidney or bladder stone disappears in two months, but the gallbladder stone may take three to four months to clear because the medicine does have effect on the bile but bile does not come and go in the gallbladder all the time so when bile does goes in or comes out of gallbladder that is when medicine has its effect on the stone therefore it takes more time. The special feature of this medicine is that it cleans and eliminates all kinds of waste in the blood and bile, so it helps into getting rid of pimples on the face of boys and girls as well.