Muqavvi Dimag Oil

The successful and special attribute of Muqavvi Dimag Oil is: it strengthens the brain, enhances and speeds up memory, increases the strength of brain cells, nerves of the brain, eliminates the cold and dryness of the brain and brings moderation and strengthens hair roots, prevents hair breakage, hair loss, helps prevent hair loss, increases hair strength, strengthens the bone above the brain, membranes and skin fibers , helps to grow new hair by removing contaminated water in the skin fibers, maintains hair color, eliminates half or whole headaches, promotes deep sleep, relieves brain fatigue, the strength of the mind is the power of the king of the body, when the mind becomes strong, the disease will go away, the oil is made by only cooking herbs, neither makes the head cold or hot artificialy, and except the smell of the herbs contains no other fragrance.