Kangru Oil

The special properties and successful benefits of Kangru Oil are: This oil increases the strength of the veins, removes the stiffness of dead lifeless veins, creates flexibility in the veins and enables blood to run again in the closed veins anywhere. Anywhere in the body if the blood flow has stopped due to closed vein or half-closed vein, difficulty in blood flow and there is pain due to difficulty in blood flow then this Rogan Kangru brings vein to it's natural, flexible, straight and round condition with it's natural heat. Therefore, relieves nerve pain persistantly and increases the strength of nerves, eliminates pain in the place of the heart or chest, back, lumbar, buttocks, nerve pain in the neck or a vein stuck in the neck and pain, and helps to strengthen the weak nerves everywhere by increasing their strength, is the external tonic of the nerves.